Impala built-in function: unix_timestamp function is not accurate enough


I am using the following impala query to extract data from my_table:

select id, timestamp, unix_timestamp(timestamp) as ts from my_table

The output is:

        id          timestamp               ts
    0   A       2016-08-21 16:18:34.336     1471796314
    1   A       2016-08-21 16:18:34.517     1471796314
    2   A       2016-08-21 16:18:34.677     1471796314
    3   B       2016-08-14 00:20:00.641     1471134000
    4   B       2016-08-14 00:20:00.697     1471134000
    5   B       2016-08-14 00:20:00.720     1471134000
    6   B       2016-08-14 00:20:00.750     1471134000

The converted ts field becomes all the same because the original timestamp difference is very small. Is there a way (a function) which can make ts using higher digits (accuracy)? I need every ts to be different if the original timestamp is different. Thanks!

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Author:「Edamame」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.