Impala built-in function not available when migrating from Impala to SparkSQL


I am using a built-in function in Impala like:

select id, parse_url(my_table.url, "QUERY", "extensionId") from my_table

Now I am migrating to SparkSQL (using pyspark in Jupyter Notebook):'string'), parse_url(my_table.url.cast('string'), "QUERY", "extensionId")).show()

However, I got the following error:

NameError: name 'parse_url' is not defined

Also tried below:


sqlContext.sql("select id, url, parse_url(url, 'QUERY', 'extensionId') as new_url from my_table").show(100)

But all the new_url becomes null.

Any idea what I missed here? Also, how would people handle such problem? Thanks!

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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.