
I have this data set ( txt). For example: input: 0 275,276,45,278 1 442,22,455,0,456,457,458 75 62,263,264,265,266,267 80 0,516,294,517,518,519 I would like as output output: 0 275 0 276 0 45...
I need to filter the content of one file (javasrc.txt) by the contents of a second file (OEMDS.txt). This needs to be done in a Windows environment. I don't know about Windows batchfiles, I know ab...
When I use the MinGW shell, I can use all the UNIX dev paths (such as /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib) in my GCC commands. However, if I try to tell Code::Blocks to include /usr/local/include...
How do I convert a DATETIME column into a Unix Timestamp? I have tried the following: SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`) FROM Foo date is the DATETIME column and Foo the table. However, this selectio...
I have following unit test which fails [Fact] public void Convert_to_and_from_unix_timestamp() { // Arrange var timestamp = 1636579063; var date = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(tim...
I understand that you can get the Unix Epoch in milliseconds in an android application using the following code: System.currentTimeMillis() How would you therefore get the value 30 minutes before?
I need to be able to go back and forth between CentOS and Windows for C++ projects that I am developing on both systems. I want to be able to convert all files of a given type such as *.cpp, *.h or...
I have records inside the XML tags, and I want to get the count of them. In below, e.g. the contents inside the <record> </record> tag should be counted as 1. So for the example below, ...
I want to disable the Unix shell prompt character ($, #, %) which usually we see in terminal. Is there any command or setting which can do this? I am using Solaris OS. By shell prompt character I ...
I'm trying to do something like this: Say there are 4 users logged into a UNIX machine, a, b, c, and d. Now, to get the groups these guys belong to, I have to type out : groups a b c d. What I am
We need to connect a Windows client application to a Linux server one. The Linux side runs on top of WSL2 in Windows 10 (10.0.19044). We want to use UNIX domain sockets, and followed guidance in ht...
I am using the following impala query to extract data from my_table: select id, timestamp, unix_timestamp(timestamp) as ts from my_table The output is: id timestamp ...
I have a string representing a unix timestamp (i.e. "1284101485") in Python, and I'd like to convert it to a readable date. When I use time.strftime, I get a TypeError: >>>import...
Consider the following command to find and update all git repos in a particular directory: find . -type d -name .git | while read src_dir; do my_git_update "${1}"; done; Assume that a repo ca...
I try to declare an array and access its contents like this declare -a VAR VAR[0]=text1 VAR[1]=text2 VAR[2]=text3 echo $VAR[1] But it doesn't work. Can you fix my code and also tell me why we don't
I'm pretty new to unix operating systems. I'm running CentOS 6.5, and I need to run 1 (or more ideally) instances of Flash Player continually in the background, I've no idea how to do this. The re...
I'm having a problem in if condition usage under Unix. Need your help in sorting it out. if (a=1 and b is not null) or a=0 and b is null echo "sucess" else echo failure I tried the below code bu...
I need to convert a vector of dates from Unix Time to Date format using R. For more context, this dates come from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery time series with one image every five days. The time s...
I am implementing the IPC for a telephonic conversation.Created two files :receiver.c and caller.c.. The rc.h contains all the include files.I am testing out the use of Unix domain sockets accordin...
How do I convert unix timestamp value like 1348560343598 to H2 Timestamp? One of my tables contains these unix timestamps in a BIGINT(19) column and I need to convert them to a column of type TIME...

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