Lwt and Cohttp: `Fatal error: exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNRESET, "read", "")`


I have simple HTTP server in Ocaml with Cohttp and Lwt. When I run wrk the application crashes around 50% of the time as soon as wrk finishes. I imagine the crash is triggered by the unexpected tear-down of the connection.

I see the following error on the console:

Fatal error: exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNRESET, "read", "")
Raised by primitive operation at file "src/unix/lwt_bytes.ml", line 130, characters 42-84
Called from file "src/unix/lwt_unix.ml", line 489, characters 13-24

Is there anyway to prevent this?

My full source-code is:

(* server_test.ml *)
open Unix
open Lwt
open Cohttp
open Cohttp_lwt_unix
open Yojson
open Yojson.Basic.Util
open Core.Std

type create = {
username: string;
email: string;
password: string;
} [@@deriving yojson]

let insert coll doc =
    let _id = Core.Std.Uuid.to_string (Uuid.create ()) in
    let uri = Uri.make ~scheme:"http" ~host:"" ~port:5984 ~path:(coll ^ "/" ^ _id) () in
    Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.put ~body:(Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string (Yojson.Safe.to_string doc)) uri
    >|= fun (r, _) -> Code.code_of_status @@ Response.status r

let callback _conn req body =
    body |> Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string 
    >>= (fun body -> 
        let mc = Yojson.Safe.from_string body |> create_of_yojson in
        match mc with
        | Ok c -> 
            insert "users" (create_to_yojson c)
            >>= fun status -> print_endline @@ string_of_int status; 
                Server.respond_string ~status:(`Code status) ~body:(string_of_int status) ()
        | _ -> Server.respond_string ~status:`OK ~body: "Not OK" ())

let timeit _conn req body =
    let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
    callback _conn req body 
    fun result ->
        let finish = Unix.gettimeofday () in
        Lwt_io.printlf "Execution time took %fms" ((finish -. start) *. 1000.0)
        >|= fun _ -> result

let server =
    Server.create ~mode:(`TCP (`Port 8000)) (Server.make timeit ())

let () = ignore (Lwt_main.run server)


Copyright License:
Author:「user6307701」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
Link to:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40497364/lwt-and-cohttp-fatal-error-exception-unix-unix-errorunix-econnreset-read

About “Lwt and Cohttp: `Fatal error: exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNRESET, "read", "")`” questions

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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.