How to read this List?


My apologies if my question is not well worded but I seem to have a lack of words to specifically ask.

I found a line that results in a list of all multiples of three from 1 to 1000 while searching for Haskell learning rescources. I understand what this line does, it is not too difficult to see evaluated in GHCi.

[n | n <- [1..1000], n `rem` 3 == 0]

My actual problem is i do not know how to read this line in plain englisch and how exactly the list is generated and what n | n <- [1..1000] means. Can this be read similar to a for loop?

Such an expression was not covered in the basic tutorials I read. Where can I find documentation that is to be considered beginners read and covers how to plain read expressions?

It would greatly improve my learing process if I actually had some vocabulary describing what I type there ;)

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Author:「matthias krull」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.