Search: Keyword(s): zsh command not found react-native mac

I had homebrew installed on my mac. Today after sometime, I tried to download psql through brew on my mac on terminal but I keeping getting: zsh: command not found: brew I have it installed so I d...
I have zsh on my mac. I did simlink as you recommended in here django-admin command not working in Mac OS so in my directory /usr/local/bin I have another folder bin with files __pycache__ django-
I am trying to install virtualenv on Mac Terminal for Django but its showing me - zsh: command not found: virtualenv and i also tried following command @macbook-air trydjango % virtualenv-p python3...
I just upgrade my Mac to Catalina. When I do jhipster import-jdl Model.jdl It gives zsh: command not found: jhipster Catalina Mac What do I have to do? I don't have a ~/.zshrc file. Do I hav...
I am trying to deploy basic react-app to netlify. I ran these commands to install and deploy application npm install netlify-cli -g netlify deploy It throws: zsh: command not found: netlify error...
I installed npm with nvm and the first time it went all great, now I tried to check npm version on Mac terminal an it shows: % npm --version zsh: command not found: npm But using VSCode terminal w...
I'm using MAC OS Catalina Version 10.15.1 and I'm working on a python project. Every time I use the command "import OS" on the command line Version 2.10 (433), I get this message: zsh: command not ...
I am trying to run below command on m1 chip mac which throws error: zsh: command not found: softwareupdate softwareupdate --install-rosetta Any help is appreciated. Thanks
$ react-native -v -bash: react-native: command not found $ brew --version Homebrew 2.1.0 Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision c2b3; last commit 2019-04-14) Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision...
I am trying to start react-native but I get the following error zsh: command not found: react-native when I write react-native init firstApp . I tried the following guide: react-native: command not


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