Search: Keyword(s): macbook bottom menu bar not showing

When I inflate the menu, some of the item are showing up in the bottom bar, while the others show up in the usual options menu of Android 2. I tried with android:uiOptions="none" in the manifest, ...
I have a website where I am using an css bootstrap affix menu. Due to the length of my menu, I need to add an automatic vertical scrollbar when the screen is not long enough. I added the a class...
I am using the new Material Components that were just shown at I/O a while ago. I was able to create a bottom appbar, but the menu does not show the icon for Search. Instead, it only shows it in the
I want to have an static bottom menu bar exist through out the applications in every page visible at bottom all the time. I have designed the menu bar but i am confused whether i have to integrate ...
In my code I want to display some menu item on top action bar and some on bottom bar.I tried using split action bar,but when I used split action bar, all menu item set to bottom bar. so how can I d...
I want to have a common bottom menu bar through out the applications with every page. I have designed the bottom bar but i am confused with onClick event of the menu icons. whether i have to write ...
The view is working fine with all other tab bar items(events, pending, explore, my profile) but for the 'more' section, the tab bar view controller when pushed to the concerned view controller show...
Im using the BottomNavigationViewEx library to display a Bottom Menu Bar in my android app, the library works well and fixes many of the shortcomings of the standard BottomNavigationView. The prob...
bottom navigation bar is not showing correctly, text under it is not showing and when icon is clicked, it don't change its color. please help, here is the xml file code.this is the file where fragm...
I have seen some iOS apps using menu bar at button and I want to implement it myself. I was thinking of using Buttons in a Linearlayout as suggested in this post. But I was wondering if there is b...


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