Search: Keyword(s): install react native mac m2

I have a project that has been successfully run on previous mac machines but since upgrading to a Mac M2 it will no longer build or run in an xCode simulator. NPM install and the pod install comman...
I'm trying to install react native on my mac. I install home-brew and then node by using homebrew but when I try to install react-native i have this error npm install -g react-native-cli npm ERR!...
Unable to install React Native cli on Mac using npm! I have tried uninstalling both node and npm and trying the command npm install -g react-native-cli. Also tried this, "If you get an error l...
New to React Native I've made sure to install node.js from here and after install I'm told: Node.js v9.5.0 to /usr/local/bin/node npm v5.6.0 to /usr/local/bin/npm I can verify the node version: ...
How can I uninstall react-native-cli on Mac?? I tried npm uninstall react-native-cli and it gives me below. npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of eslint@^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0....
I am trying to install the environment for react native. I followed the instruction of the site until the point to enter into the cmd create-react-native-app AwesomeProject after several moments ...
I'm using React Native to build a mobile App. Also I have a similar Mac App, I'm wondering if React Native can be adapted for Mac, how difficult it is.
I'm trying to install React Native on Mac but I'm not able to get past the first step. npm install -g expo-cli This seems to work but when I run the next step expo init AwesomeProject I'm getting...
I m installing React-native to my mac book m1 But i think, i installed all(npm, jdk, node, rosseta, cocoapad, vscode, android studio, xcode and so on...). But if i run command(npm start), there is ...
I am trying to use react-native-fs in my react-native project (in windows)to read local file data in the device and the build fails. After I ran the npm i react-native-fs --save command, the peer


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