Search: Keyword(s): install react globally mac

It takes hours to install every needy dependency when starting a new project in React native. Can i install npm dependency globally (lets say npm install --save react-navigation), so that i can use...
I am very new (2 days old) in Mac. I have downloaded QT 5.9 SDK dmg for Mac from QT website. Now when I try to install, it installs everything on my home directory. I want QT SDK to be globally ava...
I am trying to install gulp-cli globally on my Mac but still now working after several tries. It's saying "-bash: gulp: command not found" Also, don't know why its always targetting node v6.11.1 ev...
I am trying to install yarn globally using npm or brew sudo install --globally yarn or brew install yarn but I still can't use it and I face this problem Any clues what's the problem maybe solution?
I want to try React on my Mac, but I face some difficulties when using it. I installed create-react-app globally with npm install -g create-react-app But everytime I create a new project I hav...
I started my first react app (a small beginner tutorial )today using CRA. Size of the initial boiler was around 150 mB. I used the npx command for the same. Now do I have install all the node_modules
I'm trying to install react native on my mac. I install home-brew and then node by using homebrew but when I try to install react-native i have this error npm install -g react-native-cli npm ERR!...
I am having trouble using npm packages globally with node. (on Mac) This is probably a very simple problem. This seems to work if I install npm packages locally, but not globally. I have this code ...
I am developing a React Native App, in which I have installed some Packages Locally and some Global and I can see Local and Global Packages via listing them with these Commands: For Local Packages:...
I have installed my react app globally. Now I would like to create a new react project. How to set up react in my new react project? When I command NPX create-react-app my-app it not working telling


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