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Can someone give me a step by step for installing react native web from a fresh react native project? 1)init react native 2)npm install react-dom react-native-web 3)npm install --save-dev babel-plu...
I'm trying to install React Native on Mac but I'm not able to get past the first step. npm install -g expo-cli This seems to work but when I run the next step expo init AwesomeProject I'm getting...
Can I step by step debug the react-native js code? Otherwise, how can i debug my code to find out the problem?
I have just installed a dependency in my react-native project that required manual configuration of ios/Podfile. If I have a fresh clone of the repository for this project, react-native run-ios w...
I have installed the react native debugger on mac-book pro m1 to debug react native applications. While debugging it shows you are using react-devtools 4.13 and please downgrade to <4.11. While
I have a step in reactjs which allows me to go from one component to another and the data that is placed in the input is not deleted but remains, but when wanting to do the same in react-native it ...
My example is straightforward. I'm properly assigning the reference to the slider and then trying to set its native step prop: <SliderIOS ref={(slider) => this.slider = slider} onValueCh...
I'm trying to create a multi-step form in react native which consists of personal information on first step, address details on second step and review the info and submit button on third step. All ...
I'll try to use react-native-step-indicator with the react-native project. But it returned this error. undefined is not an object (evaluating 'React.PropTypes.func') Here is my package.json file. ...
I would like to implement a multi step login, similar to slack (it first asks the domain name, then the email, and later the password) in react and react-native. I would like to know what are the ...


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