Search: Keyword(s): change order of differentiation

Good library for solving differentiation equations (not only 1rst order) using differentiation operator?Better written in C/C++/PHP/C#/Actionscript/Javascript
Having recently just finished my own basic reverse mode AD for machine learning purposes, I find myself wanting to learn about the field, but I've hit a hardness wall with higher order methods. The
I was trying to learn Scipy, using it for mixed integrations and differentiations, but at the very initial step I encountered the following problems. For numerical differentiation, it seems that the
I am trying to show the truncation error of the second-order numerical differentiation is indeed giving us double precision than first-order numerical differentiation (with considering the machine ...
I want to use the boost autodiff functionality to calculate the 2nd derivative of a complicated function. At the boost help I can take a look on the following example: #include <boost/math/
For quite some time I have been wondering how automatic differentiation works. However, I am a bit confused on how the forward mode works -- I am not equipped to deal with reverse mode at the momen...
I searched on the web to change the color of differentiation block border in Compare editor of eclipse(Juno). I tried change through the Preferences>appearance>Colors and Fonts, But it doesn't has ...
I have a question regarding automatic differentiation (AD) in Drake. If someone writes the DAE for a system in python, how does Drake compute the derivatives for optimization? Does it have a AD pac...
I am reviewing basic matrix differentiation rules and came across 2 contradicting references. Which one is correct? In both 'a' is a constant vector and hence partial and regular derivatives woul...
According to this paper differentiation works on data structures. According to this answer: Differentiation, the derivative of a data type D (given as D') is the type of D-structures with a sin...


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