Search: Keyword(s): can you copy an art style

Can we add the WORD ART or WARP TEXT style in flex etc Just like these images i want to make test like bottom arcs, vertical arcs, Birdseye etc as as shown in the images above. Please help ...
I'm sure I didn't describe it right, but basically I have a large list of my art that i have to manually copy to each page the art appears on. Hopefully i can make it more understandable below. The
I'm looking to achieve this border effect using pure CSS: My preference would be to achieve it without adding extra div elements. Any suggestions would be appreciated EDIT: Fixed image description
I'm looking to achieve this border effect using pure CSS: My preference would be to achieve it without adding extra div elements. Any suggestions would be appreciated EDIT: Fixed image description
I am attempting to make a classification NN to classify what type of art a certain piece (modern, contemporary, etc) but I don't know of any training and Testing data sets. Would the art category on
Years ago I had a document titled "The Ancient Art of DOS Batch Files". It was posted on the internet and widely distributed. Recently, I have been unable to find my copy of it - digital or other...
I am looking for some library for creating pixel art in objective c, in which I can copy/cut paste or flip selected area. Almost cover major actions of windows Paint app. Is there any library or
all, I'm working on some of the challenges at and I'm having some trouble with a challenge that requires me to display a letter in ASCII form using a loop of rows with "#"s and spaces
IE does not allow writing to the innerHTML property of style or head elements. So how do you copy a style element from the head of one document to another?
I'm looking for a way to copy the album art from one set of songs to another set of the same songs that don't have the album art. FFMPEG copies the text tags (artist, album, title...) perfectly, bu...


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