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I already have a github page ( that will jump to my godaddy domain. But I also need to create another github page in the format for a homework assignment. Is
I am new to Github pages. I followed their instructions for User, Organization, and Project Pages and Creating Project Pages manually, so I have something up at, which is my G...
I have a couple of private repositories where I am the only contributor under Github Enterprise through my university. I am wondering, how can I add my GitHub open (personal) account as a contribut...
Let's say I have a Github repository. I make a clone of the original. I fork the Github repository to make a second repository. I make a change to the clone of the original. Push those changes to
I have a Jenkins server with the following github plugins: github-api github github-pull-request I want to trigger a build after a merge (from a PR). This is because I have some build chains that...
I am getting the error on request to a github. "Request forbidden by administrative rules. Please make sure your request has a User-Agent header (
Is it possible to configure what branch in the GitHub wiki is shown by default on GitHub. For example if I clone a GitHub wiki locally and then create, commit and push a new branch back up to GitHu...
i am trying to make a website from gitub and have come across a couple of problems i have a github repository Images found in the \images subdir and also in th...
I am trying to validate GitHub webhook secret using API Gateway. This is my lambda: import json import hmac import hashlib import re GITHUB_SECRET = 'HELLO WORLD' # from Github UI def lambda_hand...
Introduction I'm currently working on a GitHub Action that automatically generates a JavaDoc and publishes it to GitHub Page. The GitHub project:


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