
when I run pmap <pid> It is giving me below list 00007f545bbc5000 1016K rw--- [ anon ] 00007f545bd0c000 76K r-x-- /opt/openmrs/.openmrs-lib-cache/bahmnimsf/org/bytedeco/javacpp/l...
I have an existing ASP.NET MVC application which I want to run on Linux Ubuntu. I have successfully build and ran an ASP.NET Core "hello world" application in Docker but I can't run my ASP.NET MVC...
I have one AWS server running ubuntu in architecture arch x86_64 and ubuntu version lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Release: 20.04
I'm moving an SVN repository from a Windows machine (Windows 7) to a Linux machine (Ubuntu 13). I dump the repo on Windows with svnadmin dump and copy the files to the Linux machine. Now I'm running
Scenario: My C++ application runs on embedded linux Fedora on an iMX processor. It is an application which runs in user mode with no root access. I need to run a system command which can reboot the
At my workplace we have some computer labs. In these laboratories each computer has the operating system windows and linux. Both systems are in our AD domain. I did a lab of tests and I have a
I'm trying to work with postgresql but i had these problems when I tried to install it in Oracle Linux 7.2 kernel 3.10.0-327 after using this command to compile the source: ./configure --with-ope...
I have successfully compiled and executed some code on my OSX laptop, and am now attempting to move the project to an HPC running Scientific Linux. The code seems to compile and link properly, but...
I'm running the docker command in windows command line successfully but when I run the same command in windows-subsystem-for-linux it shows class not found exception. windows: docker run -it --cpu...
I am working on a microservice written in python. My microservice works fine on my windows machine and I can easily test it. However, on my Linux container it may work fine too but I cannot test it...
I have an interesting scenario that I would like to get some expert advice on implementing. I have a Python application running on Linux that needs to return a single directory based upon group
I'm trying to install phpsh on Ubuntu and I did everything on the install guide, but I am getting this error: Starting php Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/phpsh", line 47,...
We have a file named as test which will contain below data. export username=ganesh export dept =hr export job =developer I need run this file from PowerShell , to initialize this variable. I have
I am trying to convert the pages of a PDF document to images files on Linux machine. I am using Imagemagick and it works perfectly for English PDF’s, such as this one: http://arbsq.net/dev/test_en...
I was curious about how the kernel prevents the stack from growing too big, and I found this Q/A: Q: how does the linux kernel enforce stack size limits? A: The kernel can control this due to the
I'm writing a C++ program on SUSE Linux Real Time and is trying to gather timing statistics on its round robin(RR) scheduling policy. I am able to set the policy to RR via #include <sched.h>...
Well, i need an alpine chroot for run my Mongo DB Server, but i can't because when i run the /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -r etc/pip/compile-requirements.txt, it return's to me this error: g...
This code from linux command line: perl -e 'my $serviceInfo = `ssh servername1 /sbin/service service1 status`; $serviceInfo1 =~ /(pid *)/; print $serviceInfo;' ...puts the results into variable $
As far as I understand, Linux does not have IO Completion Ports. That's probably the reason why in Scala (JVM) developer should explicitly notify API about blocking operations. However, Task Paral...
I have a library that was created on Windows. In the library, I try to access a file that is marked in the project as content / copy if newer. For example: string text = File.ReadAllText(@"project...

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